Home now for a good month. Finally found my rhythm back. The jet lag lasted a solid 2 weeks after crossing 3 time zones. Then we had some guests and visiting friends so we got busy organizing meet-ups and reunions. Plus, being home after 2 months of travel required some sprucing up, health-wise and grooming-wise. Trips to the doctors, dental clinics, lab tests, spas, beauty parlor, and other wellness-related stuff.

Meditation Garden near the Adoration Chapel

The rhythm of church duties and meditation sessions put me back to normalcy. On top of the simple and regular mundane stuff we do, I yearn for the spiritual and emotional tranquility following a hectic and physically-challenged routine imposed by traveling. You can say that “in between trips”, we yearn for solitude and calmness . A perfect reminder too to celebrate the blessings and express gratitude that we’re back without any major mishap or misadventure. After all, I bet our daily pace when traveling must be at least triple, if not way way more than our regular load.

Visiting Friends

It’s also time to apply or renew expiring/ expired visas to prep for future travels. I have a load here: UK, Schengen, Australian and New Zealand visas. Kinda tiring but one’s got to do what one’s got to do. This is when I get truly jealous of friends and kin holding stronger passports! Poor me had to submit bank certificates, travel itineraries, flight and hotel reservations, etc. And it really bugs me that some embassies issue only one year-visas after all the trouble.

But it’s good to find one’s rhythm. After all, life has many chapters and like a good book, we put it down to pause. Even reflect on what’s been and how things are. It’s being present. And being well. 👍